Thursday, October 6, 2016

SCLM Wayfarer 80's Style Sunglasses Review

Color: Assorted 10 Pack

For two dollars apiece I wasn’t expecting much in the way of quality and expected some thin and cheap plastic glasses, boy was I surprised and wrong.

These are actually a pretty good somewhat thick plastic with a nice dark lens on them. That and each one came with its own soft carrying case with a drawstring. Didn’t expect that. I am amazed how they got all ten pair in such a small box and didn’t break any. I can’t get them back in the box they came in and they now stick up another inch above the box Guess they squeeze them down pretty good to ship them.

I opted for the assorted 10 pack since these are party glasses. I bought these for an up and coming wedding we are going to and my daughter is a bridesmaid in. Thought it would be cool if the wedding party wore them arriving at the reception. If not, I guess the rest of us can wear them to the reception.

Once that is over, I will then have ten pairs of sunglasses to wear out during the summer pool parties. Should look pretty cool in them I hope and if they get lost, stolen or broken, not that big a deal at $2 a pair compared to my other high priced sunglasses I have. The lenses are pretty dark and do actually work at protecting your eyes from the sunshine and glare.

Think these are a great deal for the price for anyone needing some 80 style sunglasses that are actually coming back into style.

DISCLAIMER: This was offered at a discounted rate in exchange for an honest review. I rely on reviews from the community when making purchases, so I believe in giving honest and unbiased reviews to help others. I am not obligated to leave positive feedback and receive no compensation for doing so.  I am not associated with the seller in any way. 

Found on Amazon at:

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