Monday, October 24, 2016

i-Kawachi(TM) Motion Activated Toilet Night Light Review

The i-Kawachi(TM) motion activated toilet night light is a wonderful thing to have when you have to get up in the middle of the night and use the restroom or just want to get a drink of water. This light is pretty sensitive to motion and comes on as soon as you walk in the room. So no problem there.

Since I remodeled my restroom, all I have is the overhead can lights and they are really bright. Always hated to turn those on when I am still half asleep and I don’t want to be woken up any more than I already am, since I need to go back to sleep, but it’s a hassle and hard to find that dimmer switch on the light switch when you need it, but I also can’t leave the light off because there are no windows in that room so it is really dark and you can’t see a thing and that is where this toilet light comes in.

This thing comes on and lights up not only the toilet but the room a little as well and is just what you need to see what you are doing and not blind you why doing it.

Love how it rotates through all eight colors and changes every time it comes on. It also saves the battery and turns itself off when there is no more motion.

The button on the front of it will let you pick one color to use if you decide you like one color over the rest of them and just want to use that one color all the time. I can see that. The green has a pretty awesome look in the dark and seems to light up the room a little more than the others I think, but still have mine rotating through all eight colors.

The arm that you bend over the edge of the toilet to hang it on is a little tough to get bent and to keep the shape you want or need for your toilet for it to hang correctly. It seems to want to spring back to its original shape and position, but if you play with it enough, it will go where you need it to.

I think overall, I really like this light and if I had more toilets in my house, I would buy more of these, but I only have the one. I think these would make a great gift for everyone

DISCLAIMER: This was offered at a discounted rate in exchange for an honest review. I rely on reviews from the community when making purchases, so I believe in giving honest and unbiased reviews to help others. I am not obligated to leave positive feedback and receive no compensation for doing so.  I am not associated with the seller in any way.  

My Rating: 5 Stars

Found on Amazon at:

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