Saturday, November 26, 2016

Tactical Holster/Leg Holster/Drop Leg Bag/Gun Holster Review

Color: Black

The Tactical Holster/Leg Holster/Drop Leg Bag/Gun Holster is a nice polyester fabric holster. This thing is waterproof, very well constructed and every stitch is in place and nicely done. With the adjustable Velcro straps, this thing can hold just about anything with it being 8.3x4.7x2.76 inches in size and adjustable from there.

The black holster looks awesome against the handle of my Glock 21. This is a somewhat big handgun and fits in this holster with no problems. Just remember, it’s adjustable and fits most guns. The straps and plastic locking ends snap together and hold really nice and shouldn’t come off during use after getting the sizing correct for you.

The leg straps are also long enough and also adjustable and should fit most people’s legs. I would think if there was a problem, it would be not getting small enough for people with really skinny legs.
The Velcro straps on this allow for a pretty quick release and should come in handy if ever needed. Let’s hope not, but the world is becoming a crazy place nowadays. These same Velcro straps also make this very easy to put on and take off when done and not needed any longer.

This is a right-hand draw holster and there is also a place in front of this for an extra clip if needed. Who doesn’t need more ammo?

Overall, for what you get at this price, the light weight of this and overall quality of this holster, you should get this one if you are looking for one. You will be happy as I am and like it. I also believe for the quality of this holster, that the price is right on target if not a great price.

DISCLAIMER: This was offered at a discounted rate in exchange for an honest review. I rely on reviews from the community when making purchases, so I believe in giving honest and unbiased reviews to help others. I am not obligated to leave positive feedback and receive no compensation for doing so.  I am not associated with the seller in any way.

My Rating: 5 Stars

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