Sunday, November 6, 2016

iVapo iPhone 7 Plus Screen Protector Review

What can I say? It’s an iPhone 7 Plus screen protector by iVapo. In the cardboard box these came in was the three protective screens wrapped in a thin foam, along with 1 Wet Prep Pad (Alcohol Pad), 1 microfiber Wipe and some dust stickers. Not sure why there isn’t three of each of these since there are three screen protectors. The instructions are on the back of the cardboard box these came in so don’t throw it away until you used all three. 

Don’t even think you know what you are doing. Read the instructions and follow them, and this is an easy install and it looks and feels great and works perfectly with the 3D touch screen. One big thing, keeping any air born dirt, dust, and hair from getting between the glass and this screen protector during installation. One tip, use the dust stickers that came with these or you could us scotch tape down the whole face of the glass to remove any foreign objects on the glass right before installing this if needed. Works like a charm.

These are made for these phones and fit perfect and protect the glass from about everything. I really like how it helps keep my greasy finger prints off the screen so it doesn’t look so smudged and covered like my old one did.

I am glad they include three with this package as well, as sometimes you don’t get it on right or find a hair, dust or finger print on the screen under the screen protector and you have to rip the one off and start over. After you install this new screen protector, you should never have to replace it before you get a new phone unless you are just that careless with your phone.

I love no more of those thin roll on type protective sheets that I could never get on right and get all the dirt and air bubbles out of once done. 

Overall, I am happy with this screen protector and would recommend it to anyone that has an iPhone 7 Plus.

DISCLAIMER: This was offered at a discounted rate in exchange for an honest review. I rely on reviews from the community when making purchases, so I believe in giving honest and unbiased reviews to help others. I am not obligated to leave positive feedback and receive no compensation for doing so. I am not associated with the seller in any way.

My Rating: 5 Stars

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