Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Cozilife Microwave Popcorn Popper, Red (Pack of 2) Review

The Cozlife popcorn popper is wonderful, fast and easy to use. These are made out of high-grade silicone (you can tell if you bend it and you don’t see a white crease in the silicone) and are very well made and should last forever if cleaned and taken care of.

These are so easy to use, even your kids could make their own popcorn now. Just pour in some popcorn seeds (1/4 cup), put the lid on tight, place in the microwave and hit the popcorn button on it (or 2 min on high) and wait for the goodness to happen. Once done, pull out the popper from the microwave, remove the lid (watch out for any hot steam) and enjoy. You can add some butter, salt or any other seasoning or condiment if you like at this time as well.

Just remember to wash and clean these after using them or put them thru the dishwasher and don’t let them sit around or you could ruin the silicon on these and they will be no good to use later.

These are not only good for popcorn, Because of the design and being made from silicon, you could also use these for holding anything else you use or cook in the kitchen. Great microwave bowls for anything if needed.

These are about the perfect size for a single serving of popcorn and should be enough for anyone person at about 10 ounces of popcorn and if not, go make more, it doesn’t take that long. The popcorn tastes just as well if not better than the microwave bag popcorn but costs a whole lot cheaper to just buy the kernels and make your own. This way you can also make as much as you want.

These two popcorn poppers are a great addition to my kitchen and come in handy when needed and make a great movie night even easier and better. Thumbs up for this popper.

DISCLAIMER: This was offered at a discounted rate in exchange for an honest review. I rely on reviews from the community when making purchases, so I believe in giving honest and unbiased reviews to help others. I am not obligated to leave positive feedback and receive no compensation for doing so.  I am not associated with the seller in any way.

My Rating: 5 Stars

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