Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Infina AK01 USB Voice Recorder / MP3 Player - Spy USB Flash Drive Review

The Infina AK01 USB Voice Recorder / MP3 Player - Spy USB Flash Drive is different than anything else I have seen on the market to this point. Very inventive and nice idea. No one would even guess this was a recording device unless they saw the on/off switch in this. Thought they could have hidden that as well, but it works as is.

This looks and acts just like any other 8GB USB flash drive, but can record audio or be an MP3 player and play what you recorded or any audio files you put on it. Nice touch to add a headphone port to this so you can listen straight from it when needed or plug it into another device to listen to it or copy it over to something else if needed.

Make sure you click on the “Set Digital Recorder” app under the “Settime” folder in order to get the timestamp on your saves audio files correct before using this or if you totally drain the battery.

This couldn’t be any easier to use and the recording and playback times are ridiculous on this small device with 20 hours of recording and 15 hours of playback. The files are saved as a WAV file and should playback on any computer and if not, download and install the VLC player and it will play them.

As a voice recorder, two thumbs up. It picks up every little sound and records it and plays it back with very good audio. There is something in the playback, not sure what it is, but it’s a whit noise or mechanical sound that you can hear. Doesn’t really hurt anything but there is something.

As an MP3 player. It’s ok. It plays what you want, you can navigate thru different folders and find what you want to play and the sound is load but it’s not a music headphone and is made more for recording than listening to music. There just isn’t a lot of depth or richness in the mids and highs and the bass doesn’t thump.

Overall, a very nice well-built finger size audio recorder that can also be used to playback your recordings or other audio. You can also use this as a flash drive to copy, carry and transport other data as well if needed. 

DISCLAIMER: This was offered at a discounted rate in exchange for an honest review. I rely on reviews from the community when making purchases, so I believe in giving honest and unbiased reviews to help others. I am not obligated to leave positive feedback and receive no compensation for doing so.  I am not associated with the seller in any way.

My Rating: 5 Stars
Found on Amazon at:

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