Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Soft Paws Catnip Interactive Toy Ball with Feather Mouse for Cat/ Small Dog - Green/ Yellow Review

The Soft Paws Catnip Interactive Toy Ball with Feather Mouse for Cat/ Small Dog - Green/ Yellow toy is wonderful. I have 12 cats, yes you read that right, twelve. They range from 6 months old to 14 years old and they all like playing with this one toy.

I have two plastic containers full of cat toys, but since this one was introduced, they all have to have this one toy now and leave the others in their containers now. One good thing is this has stopped the youngest from climbing to the top of the Christmas tree for now anyway.

The hard two colored plastic bottom is weighted really well that it keeps the mouse on the post sticking up in the air for the cats to play with but at the same time is well built enough I can throw it on the floor for the cats to chase when I am playing with them.

The cats have torn up most of their other toys so far and ripped off about every feather, fur or covering on any toy they have had, but so far, this toy has lasted. The mouse it still there with its fur and feathers on. Sure it’s just a matter of time, but so far so good.

If anything, it has given me a break from using the laser light I have to play with them every day with. They just hear the drawer open that that laser light is in and most come running looking for the light.

This is a little too big and heavy for some of them to actually pickup and carry around the house but I have seen them drag it or bat it around and get it stuck under things. I have even more toys under the furniture than I do in the toy containers I am sure. As smart as cats are, they sure seam kind of stupid about that part.

Overall, one of the best pet toys we have bought and is a great toy to keep your pets busy, active and entertained.

DISCLAIMER: This was offered at a discounted rate in exchange for an honest review. I rely on reviews from the community when making purchases, so I believe in giving honest and unbiased reviews to help others. I am not obligated to leave positive feedback and receive no compensation for doing so.  I am not associated with the seller in any way.

My Rating: 5 Stars

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