Monday, December 12, 2016

Brewberry Stainless Steel Automatic Electric Milk Frother and Warmer Review

The Brewberry milk frother and warmer is another great product from Brewberry. I bought this for my son for his birthday as he and his girlfriend love their coffee in the morning and have been drinking a lot of those specialty drinks lately, so I thought I would introduce them into the making cappuccino, café latte, and macchiato or anything else that they would want to put frothed milk foam on.

I won a handheld battery operated frother a little while ago and that works pretty well and makes things better when you put frothed milk on top of things, but this electric frother takes things to the next level and I have heard nothing but great things about it from my son and his girlfriend.

Their high points:
-Makes plenty of froth for the both of them at one time
-Heats fast, easy to use and clean (non-stick inside)
-“Heat & froth” works perfect and is always the same temp and not too hot
-Foam is thick and rich every time and lasts until they are done
-Love that the pot comes off the base and there are no wires
-Great for making hot chocolate in when needed with smaller whisk for less foam
-Easy operation with red button for hot and blue button for cold, couldn’t be any easier

Overall, this is a great milk frother and warmer. They haven’t had it that long and everything is still working so far, so I can’t state how long it will last or work, but so far, so good. I read a lot of bad reviews about this stopped working after a month and that is not good, but there are also a lot of great reviews on this as well. So time will tell and if it does stop working, there is a 2 year warranty on this.

DISCLAIMER: This was offered at a discounted rate in exchange for an honest review. I rely on reviews from the community when making purchases, so I believe in giving honest and unbiased reviews to help others. I am not obligated to leave positive feedback and receive no compensation for doing so.  I am not associated with the seller in any way.

My Rating: 5 Stars

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