Monday, April 15, 2019

Portable Ultrasonic Cleaning Tool Ultrasonic Washing Machine for fruits vegetables jewelry watches kids toys clothes by Cotify

I have a box Ultrasonic cleaning machine that I use for my rings and wife’s jewelry, but it is too small for much more or bigger items. This one from Cotify is not only portable but also works in places that I can get more stuff or bigger items in. In a bowl, sink or bucket, this thing will work and clean and disinfect your items from fruit to clothes.

This is small enough to fit in your travel bag, suitcase or backpack when traveling and is very easy to use.

With only needing from .5 gallons to 1.5 gallons of water and a little soap or detergent, plug it in, set the timer and rinse the soap out once done and you are good to go.

This cleans at the microscopic level and gets the stuff you can’t see, so it’s working even if you don’t think it is. Put it in a stainless-steel or glass bowl and you will hear it working. It may not take off and clean heavy dirt and stains like your washing machine, but if you want clean, sterilized and disinfected clothes after a light wearing or have some delicate’s that need to be cleaned, this will work.

Don’t want pesticides and chemicals on your fruits and vegetables, throw this in a bowl of water with them and they will be gone.

DISCLAIMER: This was offered at a discounted rate in exchange for an honest review. I rely on reviews from the community when making purchases, so I believe in giving honest and unbiased reviews to help others. I am not obligated to leave positive feedback and receive no compensation for doing so.  I am not associated with the seller in any way.

My Rating: 5 Stars

Music Credits:  https:/

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