Monday, April 12, 2021


This is perfect for someone with a weak non-dominant hand that has a hard time trimming their other hand and squeezing normal nail clippers. You just need to push a button on this to make it work. Couldn’t be any easier to operate and it looks good in black and gold. It is a little slow trimming your fingernails with this in slow made, not as slow in fast mode depending on how long your nails are and how low you want to go with it. You are basically grinding your nails down and not clipping them.

 This works great on thin nails and not thick nails unless you soak your nails for 30 seconds or so or do it after a bath or shower when your nails are soft and pliable. That makes using this so much easier than it may even do your toenails at that point.

 It great that this collects all the shavings but make sure you are over a garbage can when you open it to empty it, as it can make a mess if you are not careful.   

 This does have a cap that covers the cutting slot that you do need to use your fingernail to pry at the edge of the cap to get off or just leave it off as no one can cut themselves on this even if you pressed your finger on to it.


DISCLAIMER: This was offered at a discounted rate in exchange for an honest review. I rely on reviews from the community when making purchases, so I believe in giving honest and unbiased reviews to help others. I am not obligated to leave positive feedback and receive no compensation for doing so.  I am not associated with the seller in any way.

My Rating: 5 Stars

Found on Amazon:

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