Thursday, May 2, 2019

BONAI AA Rechargeable Batteries 2800mAh 1.2V Ni-MH Low Self Discharge 8 Pack - UL Certificate

I have so many electronics, I have to use rechargeable batteries or I would go broke. These AA batteries by BONAI are great for the price and what you get. I always go big, so the 2800 mAh is a no brainer. They take a little longer to charge but last much longer when used or just sitting around waiting to be used.

These are rated with a 1200 recharging time (if you slow charge them at a low rating). Fast charging any NIMH battery will reduce the number of charges it will take. It will take about 11 years to use all the charges if you charged them every day. So, don’t worry about that part.

These NIMH batteries are made for high drain battery electronics and these work well in all my items. These last just as long if not longer than some of my more expensive batteries. 

I did discharge them in my Miboxer intelligent charger first and then recharged them at 150-300mAh and they did end up reading fully charged at 2150-2350 mAh. Close enough for me and about normal these types of batteries.

I like these batteries as they work just as well as more expensive ones out there for a cheaper price.

DISCLAIMER: This was offered at a discounted rate in exchange for an honest review. I rely on reviews from the community when making purchases, so I believe in giving honest and unbiased reviews to help others. I am not obligated to leave positive feedback and receive no compensation for doing so.  I am not associated with the seller in any way.

My Rating: 4 Stars

Music Credits:  https:/

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